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What’s Your Current Stress Level?

Human beings automatically respond to the perception of threat or danger by the release of adrenalin and other hormones that result in increased heart and breath rate, increased blood pressure, changing the flow of blood to large muscles, etc.) This is meant to be a temporary overdrive system to meet the challenge that is threatening or dangerous.

When we become chronically stressed, however, the body can be pushed beyond its ability to re-establish homeostasis (balance), and its recuperative abilities can become exhausted. That’s why learning to relax is now considered a survival skill for maintaining health in the complex and stressful world in which we now live.

According to the scientific method, you cannot reliably change anything that you can’t measure. Although most everyone today will acknowledge that they have a lot of stress in their lives, very few know how to regularly and reliably measure all of the effects that it is having upon us.

At the end of each day, we recommend that you take a few minutes to complete our Daily Stress Check List. This will allow you to keep track of the ways that stress may be causing certain physical symptoms, may be affecting your mental processing and daily behaviors, and may be evoking stress related feelings.

You can download a copy of the Daily Stress Check List by clicking here. If you are consistently checking more than 12 boxes, contact us at 310-474-2777 for a stress management program that really works.

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