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Digestive Disorders

Next to anxiety, depression, and pain, perhaps the most common complaint we hear from our patients concerns fatigue and a lack of energy. This problem can have many causes, including hormone imbalances, sleep disorders, poor nutrition, chronic stress, anxiety, and/or depression, and even various kinds of infections, including yeast infections.

Each of these causes will be discussed as we add information to this website. To begin, we’ll start with perhaps the least recognized and most common cause of fatigue (as well as anxiety, panic attacks, and a host of other symptoms): systemic yeast infections.

These result from overuse of broad spectrum antibiotics and other medications that destroy friendly as well as unfriendly organisms, thus leading to opportunistic yeast infections that colonize in the GI tract. In addition to robbing your body of glucose (yeast eats sugar), yeast metabolism releases many toxic by-products including acetaldehyde which can dry the skin, cause hair loss, and make you feel sick and toxic.

Most people with systemic yeast infections don’t know they have them, although they are well aware of their fatigue and associated symptoms related to low blood sugar and aldehyde toxicity (such as headaches, allergies, odor sensitivity, anxiety or panic attacks, “brain fog”, gas and bloating, white coated tongue, dry skin or rashes, other yeast infections, etc.).


To download a questionnaire that may help determine if you have a systemic yeast infection, click here.


When Dr. Bresler was speaking to a group of patients with chronic fatigue, anxiety, “brain fog”, alcohol, sugar, or carbohydrate cravings, digestive complaints, fibromyalgia, and other symptoms that could be caused by chronic systemic yeast infections, one of the patients asked if she could record the session for her husband, and although this copy of that recording is hardly a formal medical presentation, it contains a great deal of vital information about this common “missing diagnosis” and how to best identify and treat it.


If you’d like to learn more about this problem, you can listen to this lecture which consists of two parts.




For a more formal evaluation and treatment recommendations, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Bresler by calling (310) 474-2777.


The Bresler Center staff has also conducted research and treats patients dealing with the following problems:

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

• Crohn’s Disease

• Gastritis

• Chronic Disseminated Candidiasis

• Morbid Obesity

• Fatigue and Exhaustion
