For decades, doctors and epidemiologists have recognized the undeniable fact that permanent residents of high altitudes have decreased occurrences of many very common chronic diseases. Most of the longest living civilizations in the world live at elevations of greater than 10,000ft/3050m. This relationship between altitude and health is not a coincidence, and researchers have begun to uncover the science behind the mystery.
The combination of all the positive physiological reactions associated with hypoxic training provides both your mind and body with feelings of intense rejuvenation. Each session will revitalize you, leaving you feeling energetic and contented for the rest of the day.
Hypoxico’s Intermittent Hypoxic Training system (IHT) enables athletes, injured athletes, and sedentary individuals to enhance performance, increase fitness while injured, and pre-acclimtize to high altitudes.
Available now with your next scheduled appointment at the Bresler center.